About Blackbird Blackbird Blackberry
This sensual and slyly subversive story of love and independence focuses on an unmarried 48-year-old woman living in a small Georgian village. Cherishing her freedom as much as her cakes, her choice to live alone is often the cause of gossip among her fellow villagers. Unexpectedly, she finds herself falling into a passionate affair with a man and is suddenly faced with the decision of whether to pursue the traditional route of coupling or continue her independent existence.
Director: Elene Naveriani
Cast: Eka Chavleishvili, Temiko Chichinadze, Lia Abuladze
In Georgian with subtitles
The Studio Screen has just 22 seats, pre-booking is essential to secure a seat.
Please be aware that films in the studio start on time as we don't show any adverts.
For more information about the Studio Screen please click here.
5 StarsA warm, witty and wise film, Chavleishvili is a marvel as the generally fearless heroine. The mischievous denouement will leave a smile on your face for days
The Irish Times