News Story

About You
School Year: Year 10
Interest: Acting, Musical Theatre, Singing – to be involved in the Arts Industry in some way.
Why you chose The Roses: I chose The Roses because I knew from watching many pantomimes before and being involved in Shakespeare’s School Festival that the people and the environment is very friendly and welcoming. I also wanted to get experience in what it is like behind the scenes of being on stage or watching a production and getting a better understanding of how a professional theatre works.
What you’ve enjoyed
I have enjoyed every second and every minute of this week and I have loved getting to know all the staff members and important people involved in the theatre. When I walked through the doors of The Roses, I obviously felt a little nervous however 5 minutes later I felt so relaxed and welcomed by everyone. Everything I have done this week has been such an amazing and thrilling experience for me and I have loved exploring all the different departments that The Roses have.
What you have learnt
I have learnt so much already and I am excited to learn more! My goal for doing work experience at The Roses was to understand and know all the different departments in the theatre and that is exactly what has been achieved thanks to all the amazing staff members! The Roses have influenced me so much and this experience is definitely going to benefit me in the future. I think what I’ve found most surprising is how much dedication and time and money goes into the theatre itself and I have loved chatting and asking questions to all of the staff members.
What will you do next?
I will take all the information that I have learnt over this whole week and keep it with me as its going to definitely help and benefit me in the future.
Would you return to The Roses?
YES!!! Of course I would love to!
I am already starting to possibly think about signing myself up for being a Volunteer however, I don’t know if this is possible yet due to my age. When I turn 16 and I am looking for a starter job, The Roses Theatre would definitely be my top option!!